Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)

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Orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) is a modality that utilizes a process of treating anomalies of the craniofacial respiratory complex with the aim of creating patterns that support health, growth, and quality of daily living.

Orofacial myofunctional therapy repatterns neural pathways for the optimization of nasal breathing and muscle functions within the craniofacial respiratory complex to support efficient oral resting postures, oral sensory awareness, swallowing, and chewing within a framework that recognizes the reciprocal interaction of form, function, and behavior, and which further facilitates overall health and quality of life across the lifespan.

Orofacial myofunctional therapy is a modality provided by some allied healthcare professionals who have this within their scope of practice and have also received the necessary training.

The Five Pillars of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

A Comprehensive Approach to Patient Care


Awareness is the gateway to comprehensive and ethical patient care.


Education within orofacial myofunctional therapy represents a lifelong learning process.


Orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) embraces collaboration with all medical, dental, and allied health professionals to advance our ability to move patient care forward.

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & physiology is the underpinning of the principles of orofacial myofunctional therapy.

Interdisciplinary Management

OMT challenges practitioners to work with a whole person and therefore work within a whole team approach to function in order to meet patient needs and establish an individualized and effective plan of care.

Myofunctional Committee

Nicole Archambault, EdS, MS, CCC-SLP, CYMHS, CSSC

Sharon Moore, CPSP, OMT

Sanda Valcu-Pinkerton, OMT, RDH

Sarah Hornsby, RDH, OMT

Ashley Larson, PT, C.NDT, COMB

Marielly Mitchell OTD, OTR/L, SWC, SIPT

Upcoming Courses


October 10, 2023
Advanced TMJ Imaging and Myofunctional Therapy
Using TMJ MRI and CBCT to Provide Individualized Care for Our TMD Patients
Drew McDonald, DDS, MS Sandraluz Gonzalez, RDH, OMT

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Macario Camacho, MD, Victor Certal, MD, Jose Abdullatif, MD, Soroush Zaghi, MD, Chad M. Ruoff, MD, RPSGT, Robson Capasso, MD, and Clete A. Kushida, MD, PhD
Dao Anh Hoang, Van Nhat Thang Le, Tam Minh Nguyen, Triin Jagomägi
Soroush Zaghi, Shayan Shamtoob, Cynthia Peterson, Loree Christianson, Sanda Valcu-Pinkerton, Zahra Peeran, Brigitte Fung, Daniel Kwok-Keung Ng, Triin Jagomagi, Nicole Archambault, Bridget O’Connor, Kathy Winslow, Miche’ Lano, Janine Murdock, Lenore Morrissey, Audrey Yoon
Soroush Zaghi, MD, corresponding author, Sanda Valcu‐Pinkerton, RDH‐AP, Mia Jabara, BS, Leyli Norouz‐Knutsen, BA, Chirag Govardhan, BS, Joy Moeller, RDH, Valerie Sinkus, PT, Rebecca S. Thorsen, MS, CCC‐SLP, Virginia Downing, RDH, Macario Camacho, MD, Audrey Yoon, DDS, MS, William M. Hang, DDS, MSD, Brian Hockel, DDS, Christian Guilleminault, DM, MD, and Stanley Yung‐Chuan Liu, MD, DDS


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Awareness marks the foundation for practitioners working within the orofacial myofunctional therapy space. From the ability to identify key features of orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs), to understanding practice constraints from state and national licensure and recognizing the roles of different medical, dental, and allied health professionals who incorporate orofacial myofunctional therapy into their clinical practice, awareness is the gateway to comprehensive and ethical patient care.


Education for proficiency within orofacial myofunctional therapy is lifelong secondary to the numerous and complex interactions between the craniofacial respiratory complex and the rest of the body, and their contributions to whole body health. As a result, practitioners of OMT must go beyond a minimum level of training to stay current in evidence-based practices, while managing patients from a place that is commensurate with individual professional levels of learning and a firm base of existing clinical experience. For newly trained practitioners in OMT, a period of mentoring is critical in order to ensure expert guidance in clinical decision-making skills. At the forefront of education is an ongoing understanding and adherence to our ethical obligations as healthcare professionals, and the need to stay abreast of current, past, and emerging clinical research.


Education for proficiency within orofacial myofunctional therapy is lifelong secondary to the numerous and complex interactions between the craniofacial respiratory complex and the rest of the body, and their contributions to whole body health. As a result, practitioners of OMT must go beyond a minimum level of training to stay current in evidence-based practices, while managing patients from a place that is commensurate with individual professional levels of learning and a firm base of existing clinical experience. For newly trained practitioners in OMT, a period of mentoring is critical in order to ensure expert guidance in clinical decision-making skills. At the forefront of education is an ongoing understanding and adherence to our ethical obligations as healthcare professionals, and the need to stay abreast of current, past, and emerging clinical research.

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & physiology are driving forces within orofacial myofunctional therapy and serve to explain the interactions between the systems within the craniofacial respiratory complex and the rest of the mind and body within the context of human growth, development, and function. From these guiding principles, practitioners provide assessment and treatment that is based upon the individual needs of their patients to effectively move them along a continuum of care that improves function and overall quality of life.

Interdisciplinary Management

Interdisciplinary management of orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) is essential to effective patient care and optimal long-term outcomes. It requires an understanding of the roles of various disciplines who take part in the management of OMDs, and the willingness to uncover the individual training and expertise of each. It is vital for practitioners of orofacial myofunctional therapy to reach out and build connections within their local communities to create interdisciplinary teams that are capable of addressing the comprehensive needs of individuals with OMDs. Understanding why, when, and how to refer patients to other disciplines is paramount to the success of OMT.