Two years ago, the Endeavour group inspired me to commence palate expansion in children as young as three years.
I look forward to sharing my experience so far with palate expansion for children in the primary dentition and engaging with you in live Q&A on what has become a very hot topic!
- Highlight important new publications supporting palate expansion for functional reasons
- Review and discussion of primary dentition cases including timing of ENT surgery, tongue-tie release and myofunctional therapy
- Address FAQs including appliance selection, retention, and more.
Dr Shereen Lim is a Perth based dentist with a post graduate diploma in dental sleep medicine from the University of Western Australia. She has been involved in the team management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea for over a decade.
Dr Lim is dedicated to promoting airway health from infancy as an alternative approach to minimize the development of these problems, and is author of the book “Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover How Airway Health Can Unlock Your Child’s Greater Health, Learning and Potential.”
Her work in private practice is restricted to tongue tie management from infancy to adulthood, early interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional therapy.
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