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Help to build your practice while improving the wellness of patients.
Acquire knowledge and collaborate with colleagues from a wide variety of disciplines…
- Adult Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
- Medicine
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Language Pathology & Myofunctional Therapy
- More!
Six Reasons to Join AAPMD…
Collaboration is key to our mission! Join a network of like-minded professionals with diversified knowledge and experience in Airway Health across multiple fields of study.
Save Big
Preferred pricing at our events including…
– Collaboration Cures
Annual Conference –
– Select educational courses offered by our Affiliates
Learn from opinion leaders on a variety of topics related to airway and collaborative care! Complimentary access to a library of over 200 webinars!
Receive CE credits for attendance at our fascinating live evening online webinars – several available each month!
You’re Listed
Both colleagues and patients seeking care can find you in our Airway Directory! Members receive complimentary listing!
Be a Liaison
Members can educate their local communities against airway disorders with programs, training and materials!