Sleep related breathing disorders are caused by so many things, both anatomical and physiologic. It is no longer logical or ethical to treat this continuum of conditions based on the severity of the disease the patient presents with. We must be like “Columbo” and investigate the actual cause(s) of the problem. There is no shortcut to find the cause(s). It is only after collecting all of the clues that we can begin to put the puzzle pieces together and start treating the upstream cause(s) of the problems. Welcome to dentistry 3.0!
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding the difference between screening and data collection.
2. Appreciating the importance of treating the cause(s) of the problem.
3. Connecting the interventions to the cause(s) and making the best referrals.
Steve Lamberg, DDS, has been practicing all phases of general dentistry in Northport, New York, for 40 years with a focus on comprehensive restorative dentistry. Always passionate about sleep and wellness, he became a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine in 2011 and has served on its board review faculty. He is the inventor of the Lamberg SleepWell Appliance “LSW,” which is an FDA-cleared appliance for the treatment of OSA and holds several related patents. He regularly contributes articles to peer-reviewed journals, is on the editorial review board of Dental Sleep Practice, and lectures internationally to help dentists integrate the many aspects of dental sleep medicine into their general dental practices. Dr. Lamberg also launched and serves as the director of the Pediatric and Adult Airway Network of New York (PAANNY) to provide a regional platform where dentists, physicians, orofacial myologists, and other related professionals learn and collaborate on treatment patients of all ages.
Additionally, Dr. Lamberg serves as a Scientific Advisor for airway at the Kois Center in Seattle and has created a course there focusing on practicing dentistry on airway compromised patients. Dr. Lamberg also created and teaches a curriculum for the Nierman Dental Sleep Medicine mini-residency. After creating a medical screening questionnaire, the Lamberg Questionnaire, he went on to publish a supporting book, “Treat the Cause…Treat the Airway,” which correlates many common medical conditions to airway and sleep and is available on Amazon in English and published in other languages by Quintessence Publishing. He believes processing big data using AI will take us to the next generation of dentistry.
1 CE credit available to AAPMD members