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A rich program of esteemed experts to help transform your practice.
Interpretation and Utilization of Radiological Imaging
Francisco Eraso, MSD
The best outcomes begin with an accurate and thorough diagnosis. Dr. Eraso’s lecture will review the appropriate sequence for the diagnosis of patients with TMJ, airway issues and orthodontic needs using 3D technology.
Sleep Hygiene: Sleep Is Not A Four-Letter Word
Kent Smith, DDS, D-ABDSM
We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping (or should). Everything we do during the day will affect how we sleep, and every moment during sleep affects how we will feel and function the next day. If we don’t respect sleep, it won’t respect us. We talk to patients about the importance of good sleep hygiene, but do we honestly practice this, ourselves? This lecture, if nothing else, should be a wake-up call. The quality and quantity of sleep has an impact on our attitudes, relationships, memory, emotions, energy and behaviors. Sleep and wakefulness are forever entwined. It’s time to give this relationship the respect it deserves.
A Collaborative and Physiologic Approach to Improving Performance, Reducing Injury and Speeding Recovery
Jeffrey Hindin, DDS, Burt Reed, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Sports physical therapists and dentists can collaborate to improve performance at all levels. Improving the airway, balancing jaw relationship to the body opens the door to greater performance potential. This presentation will discuss developing the dentist/PT relationship, objective physiological measurements, and reviews of studies of improved performance with this interdisciplinary approach.
Dental-Structural Relationships Critical to Health
W. Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H)
This presentation will discuss the relationship between the dental occlusion and the major joints of the body and the sutures of the skull. Because the human brain prioritizes dental occlusion over all other structural issues, adjusting the patient’s bite while there is a misalignment of a major joint essentially guarantees the patient will keep going back out of alignment even after proper adjustments by chiropractors or osteopaths. Also, many chiropractors and osteopaths seem to be unaware of the dental occlusion affecting alignment of major joints. Dr. Cowden will demonstrate the adjustments of skull sutures that any dentist can do with just their hands, as well as adjustment of major joints that a dentist can teach their patients to do on themselves prior to bite adjustment.
Malocclusion – Risk Factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children: A Darwinian Perspective
Kevin Boyd, DDS, MSc
This presentation will highlight a novel and Evolutionary Medicine-informed approach to orthodontic diagnosis and treatment called Biobloc-Orthotropics. Evolutionary Oral Medicine is a branch of Evolutionary Medicine whose goals are to provide a useful understanding of the evolutionary origins of oral diseases for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and research investigations. Worldwide, malocclusion (crooked/crowded teeth, impaired jaw/facial growth) is a common oral disease afflicting people of all ages, and a common physical finding amongst many children who are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), yet only began to appear significantly in the mid-17th century.
Interceptive Orthodontic Techniques for Airway and Facial Development
Ben Miraglia, DDS
Orthopedic/orthodontic treatment performed between the ages of three and eleven years can more fully develop the middle and lower facial thirds, and provide stable healthy function and the best esthetic result possible. Several techniques, along with case histories of children 3-11 that develop the airway and facial features and a proper airway with normal nasal breathing, avoiding surgical orthodontics, and guaranteeing non-extraction orthodontics at a later age, will be discussed. The overall health benefits and changes for these children will be highlighted.
Heart Rate Variability
Julian Thayer, Ph.D.
The intimate connection between the brain and the heart was enunciated by Claude Bernard over 150 years ago. In our neurovisceral integration model we have tried to build on this pioneering work. This lecture will place special emphasis on sleep and pain, and how heart rate variability may be used clinically to promote health.
Digital Word-of-Mouth: Converting Your Online Reputation into New Patients
Clifford Yurman, MBA
Before the Internet, dentists, doctors and related practitioners relied heavily on word-of-mouth referrals as a major source of new patients. That is still true today, but with a twist – before deciding to contact your office, prospects will want to know – Do you have great online reviews? Do you have a current website? Are you a subject matter expert? Should any of these elements be missing, prospects just might decide to call someone else. In this lecture, we’ll explore how you can give prospective patients a reason to call your office, instead of the competition. We’ll review classic strategies for engaging in social media, like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And we’ll learn how to ensure that prospective patients discover great online reviews for your practice.
The Role of Biochemistry in Dentistry
William J. Walsh, Ph.D.
This presentation will discuss biochemical factors associated with metal-metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, wound healing, yeast overload, pain threshold, anxiety disorders, autism, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, toxic overload and other conditions encountered in dentistry. Laboratory testing and treatment approaches for these patients will be described.
Waking Up the Corporate World to Sleep
Nancy Rothstein, MBA
How you sleep directly impacts how you perform at work. Sleep Wellness can be viewed as a risk management issue, impacting corporate productivity, safety, health, health care costs, morale and more. In our 24/7 culture, sleep is often elusive. Yet, without the quality and quantity of sleep we need, our lives suffer…both at work and at home. It’s time for the corporate world to wake up to the importance of sleep as an integral component of success and to implement Sleep Wellness initiatives. Such initiatives should include basic sleep education and sleep strategies, coupled with a corporate culture that fosters sleep health for the well-being of both the employees and the organization.
Assessment of the Lingual Frenum and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Irene Marchesan, Ph.D., SLP
There is science showing causality between craniofacial growth and occlusal abnormalities due to restricted lingual frenums. This presentation will cover identification of restricted frenum in newborns, children, and adults, and the orofacial myofunctional therapy necessary to establish proper swallowing patterns once the frenum is released.
Oral Biofilm, Oral Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease
Dan Sindelar, DMD
This presentation will go over the rapidly-changing science behind oral-systemic health. Periodontal disease is a bio-film disease with genetic and host/pathogen components. Oral biofilm and oral inflammation play a key role in the progression of inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, cancers and other health complications. Recent research shows the pathways and effects on inflammatory bio-markers associated with most inflammatory diseases. Specific oral pathogens have shown the ability to impact the mechanisms of systemic inflammation: The oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis and its effects on cardiovascular disease; Oral pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum and its effects on reproductive health and colorectal cancers; Oral treponemes and their impact on systemic diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. With the advent of salivary diagnostics and advanced inflammatory screenings, we can customize advanced treatment options with a coordinated multi-disciplinary team to reduce the effects of oral inflammation on inflammatory disease.
Evaluation and Management of the Sleep Child
Stephen Sheldon MD, DABSM
An array of complex sleep problems can irreversibly compromise a child’s
growth and development. This presentation will discuss evaluation and management strategies for the sleepy child.
Impact of Sleep Disordered Breathing on Upper Airway Anatomy and Physiology
Deepak Shrivastava, MD, FAASM, FACP, FCCP, RPSGT
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is a major public health hazard. Various anatomic, environmental and path-physiologic changes contribute to the occurrence of this chronic disorder. Upon successful treatment of the SDB, these abnormal processes tend to reverse. In this presentation, the available scientific evidence that supports the process of reversibility is discussed. The presentation covers most commonly used treatment modalities including Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Weight Loss, and Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. These findings may be of significant clinical value to facilitate compliance and improve sleep.
Introduction to the Field of Dental Speech Therapy
Mark Abramson, DDS
This presentation will offer an innovative interdisciplinary team approach for speech therapy. Proper oral function depends on proper tongue function. Oral myology and speech pathology face the difficult challenges of changing the very primitive oral function reflexes. Dentistry can take an important role with appliances that affect the root of the tongue and correct the pattern of tongue position and movement. The design and use of a tongue positioning appliance during sleep, which changed the dynamics of the throat and tongue will be presented.