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Airway and TMJ: The Hidden Problem and the Great Imposter–Discovery and Treatment
July 23, 2019 @ 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT

Richard Klein, DDS
Airway disorders have been called the “Hidden” Airway Problem and TMJ, “The Great Imposter”. Both often occur together, expressed as other conditions in other areas of the body. Recognizing the presence of each and/ both is necessary for successful treatment. Richard Klein, DDS, who is one of the early pioneers, key opinion leaders. and passionate airway/ sleep / tmj clinician, will offer an informative webinar on diagnosing and treating complex pain and airway problems and guide us through several cases showing how presenting symptoms of head, neck, jaw, nose, eye and ear pain can be raced to their origins to provide accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment.
Richard Klein, DDS has exclusively treated OSA and TMD since limiting his practice 25 years ago. He has been teaching at St. John Hospital to residents monthly for 15 years and is a Clinical Professor at Michigan State Osteopathic Medical School. He has Diplomat status in Obstructive Sleep Apnea from the American Sleep and Breathing Academy and the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. He has a TMD Mastership from both ICCMO and AACP, and Fellowship in the Royal Society of Health (England). Additionally, he has lectured in 14 countries, is published in multiple journals and has authored a chapter on TMD in the Anthology of Craniomandibular Orthopedics Vol IV. Dr. Klein has also served as Clinical Investigator for an FDA study utilizing lasers in dentistry; and he has been asked to speak 5 separate times in Washington DC to the Department of Transportation, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association as well as to US Senators and the US Congress regarding OSA and the transportation industry.