Steven Lamberg, DDS
- To Recognize the presence of an airway/sleep problem
- A Comprehensive overview of the physiology, diagnosis, and medical and dental consequences of snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS)
- The pathophysiology of SDB, involving both anatomical and neuromuscular factors, will be explained in an understandable fashion.
- The role dentists and all healthcare practitioners must play in recognizing the the their role in identifying airway problems and their increased risk for serious oral and systemic health problems.
Are you a dental team member?
- Almost all of the dentistry we do is to restore the oral environment that has been destroyed by SDB.
- Almost all of the medications we take are to treat symptoms of SDB.
Dr. Steve Lamberg is a leading educator, inventor and clinician in the dental airway /sleep community. He has been practicing all phases of general dentistry in Northport, New York for over 35 years.
He serves as a scientific advisor for the airway management section of the Kois Center and on the editorial board of Dental Sleep Practice magazine.
He is the inventor of the Lamberg SleepWell Appliance and holds several related patents.
He lectures internationally on topics related to dental sleep medicine and wellness and has published both adult and pediatric sleep screening questionnaires.
His current interest is in research at Harvard where he is involved with validating PSG algorithms for evaluating non-atomic physiologic traits which are known to contribute to SDB.
This webinar will benefit dentists and all healthcare practitioners as well as concerned parents and members of the public.
Dr. Lamberg has also launched the pediatric and adult airway network of NY (PAANNY) where dentists and physicians collaborate on treating very young patients in an effort to prevent obstructive sleep apnea in adults.