Jerald Simmons, MD
If you believe the dentist’s role in sleep medicine ends with the delivery of an oral appliance, this webinar is not for you.
For those who want to learn more and do more, this webinar will bring to light important aspects of dealing with sleep that are frequently overlooked by many dental sleep medicine courses. You will learn:
- information on what distinguishes Home Sleep Testing from in-lab sleep tests
- how to avoid incorrect conclusions
- sleep related breathing disturbances
- Restless Limb Syndrome
- Insomnia
- Parasomnias and other causes of daytime sleepiness such as narcolepsy
This presentation is geared towards any dentist that either provides patient care for sleep disordered breathing or interested in improving their patient care by addressing sleep related issues.
Jerald H. Simmons, MD, is the Founding-Director of The Sleep Education Consortium (SEC) and Comprehensive Sleep Medicine Associates, PA (CSMA). He is Triple Board-Certified in Neurology, Epilepsy and Sleep Medicine. He conducts research studies relating to sleep disorders and develops methods to enhance the assessment and treatment of patients with sleep disturbances. His most recent research involves the relationship between Clenching / Sleep Bruxism / TMJ Disorder with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, as well as the relationship between ADHD and disturbances of sleep. Dr. Simmons created the SEC as an outreach to educate the healthcare community. Dr. Simmons currently heads a task force that is working to establish screening techniques to identify sleep related breathing disturbances in children.